Solar For All Impact Guide

Georgia BRIGHT Secures $156M to Expand Rooftop Solar for Low-Income Communities

On Earth Day last year, Georgia BRIGHT Communities initiative received $156 million from the EPA’s Solar for All program. This funding will help empower low-income and disadvantaged communities in Georgia to access rooftop solar through 2029.

For more information, please read on below.

  • Solar For All is an unprecedented investment that will help lower energy costs and create jobs across the country.
  • The program is designed to benefit communities that the EPA has defined as low income and that also experience at least one other environmental, economic, or health burden, such as a high level of air pollution or an increased flood risk.
  • Programs under Solar For All will serve households earning under 80% of the Area Median Income or located in disadvantaged census tracts. The mission is to bring solar energy benefits to communities that have historically lacked access to clean energy.
  • The Georgia BRIGHT Communities Initiative aims to create a path for 16,000 low-to-moderate income (LMI) families to be connected with renewable energy.
    • With Solar for All funding, we will offer four different solar programs that are designed to serve both owners and renters and a variety of housing types.
  • Every participant in the Solar for All program will save at least 20% on their energy bill net of any costs
    • Maintenance is included with all programs, so there are no surprise costs down the road and your system always operates at its peak capacity.
  • Solar is the cheapest form of electricity—and one of the best ways to lower energy costs for American families.
  • Energy costs are on the rise in Georgia. Through Solar For All requirements, every participant will save at least 20% on their energy bill net of any costs. The average household energy bill has increased by $43 per month since the start of 2023.
  • Solar helps lower energy burdens, which remains the highest on low-income communities. Georgia is one of the top five states with the highest burden. Georgia is one of the top five states in the country with the highest low-income energy burden. More than a third of Georgia households are either experiencing energy poverty, where more than 10% of their income is spent on utility bills, or are considered overburdened, spending more than 6% on utility bills.
  • New solar arrays can be built faster than a traditional power plant and help grids plan for peak demand. Georgia ranks 7th in the nation for the total amount of solar capacity installed (5,041 MW).
  • Georgia BRIGHT will create and support hundreds of good-paying jobs for Georgia residents, while also providing workforce training opportunities to help unemployed and underemployed individuals transition into the solar industry and electrical trades.
  • This program will deploy nearly 100 MW of solar between 2025 and 2029, providing much-needed energy to support Georgia’s growing economy.
  • Georgia is a state prone to storms that can disrupt power, which has worsened in recent years. Solar systems, particularly ones with battery storage, mitigate the impact of weather on consumers as they become energy-independent. This is especially true for homes occupied by LMI families that may be older or lack measures taken to address storm concerns.
  • After seeing the lifechanging benefits of our Georgia BRIGHT pilot program on Georgians, which is currently serving over 90 residents and local organizations, it’s clear growing the reach under Solar For All will bring continued impact. The pilot will run until all private funds are allocated. Learn more and get started today.
  • There are various ways Georgia residents can be eligible to participate in the range of programs under Solar For All:
    • Reside in one of the census tracts that are most exposed to pollution. You can check if your census tract qualifies here.
    • Have a household income that is at, or below, either 200% of the federal poverty level or 80% of the area median income.
  • Programs will be available statewide, with emphasis on uplifting those historically left out of the transition to clean energy – rural areas and low-income communities.
  • Capital Good Fund must complete several steps before it can launch programming, including getting necessary approvals from the EPA and implementing infrastructure for reporting. Once those tasks are complete, we will be able to offer a firm launch timeline. To stay up to date on the latest information, please fill out a Solar for All interest form. 


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